2017年3月17日 星期五



Today, I am going to introduce an adorable city I visited last year in Japan: Kumamoto. (熊本市)
I will especially focus on the most famous landmark and the most sparkling star in Kumamoto. Enjoy them!

[Where is Kumamoto?]

First of all, you might ask,"where is Kumamoto?"
Kumamoto is a city located on the Kyushu Island.(九州) Its weather is similar to that of Tainan during summer, which is hot and humid.

[Kumamoto Castle]

Kumamoto Castle,(熊本城) built in the 1600s, is the most famous landmark in Kumamoto.

(sources: http://www.japanspecialist.co.uk/travel-tips/japans-castles/)

It is said that this castle is considered to be one of the three premier historic castles in Japan. The other two are Himeji Castle(姬路城) and Matsumoto Castle.(松本城)
However, some parts of the Kumamoto Castle collapsed during the earthquake in 2016. Thus, I could only took a photo of the castle at a far distance.  

[Kumamon: the sparkling star]

The reason why I considered this city adorable is because of the cute Kumamon.(熊本熊)
So, who is Kumamon?
(sources: https://www.pinterest.com/anchaleesea/kumamon/)

There is no denying that Kumamon is the most famous mascot in Japan, or perhaps in the world. It is created by the government in 2010 in order to promote tourism and improve their economy.

When strolling in the city, you can see Kumamon everywhere, including the train station and most of the products sold in many tourist attractions.
Kumamon in the rain
Kumamon in the train station


Kumamon is so famous that he has his own office, which is located in Tsuruya Department Store(鶴屋百貨)in Kumamoto.

Believe it or not, he also has a working schedule and office hours!
Kumamon's office

I like Kumamon so much since he is really cute and he sometimes acts like a stupid child.😂

(source: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Kumamon.Kawaii/photos/?ref=page_internal)
In fact, I went to Kumamon's office during his office hour last year and enjoyed his show though most of the audiences are children....


In my opinion, Kumamon is a great success of the promotion of the tourism. Actually Taiwan also has our own mascot bear similar to Kumamon, which is called "Oh Bear."

(source: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20150518/612264/)
I think creating a world-known mascot is a smart way to promote tourism, just like the Kumamoto government did. Otherwise, our "Oh Bear" seems to be on a vacation for the entire year compared to the busy Kumamon....

But before that, I guess it is better to make our Oh Bear look more friendly or perhaps more hmm...? 

Thank you for spending your precious time reading my blog!
Do you also like Kumamon?
Any suggestion to our own "Oh Bear"? 
Feel free to share any of your opinion:)
(source: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Kumamon.Kawaii/photos/?ref=page_internal)

4 則留言:

  1. The Kumamon is adorable, and it even can ride a bike!! In my opinion, Oh Bear is not as cute as it is. lol Japan is my favorite country. I only have been there once, and in the future I hope I can go there once a year. The Japanese style architecture is magnificent. BTW, did you enjoy any local delicacies there?

    1. Kumamon is indeed adorable!! You know what, Kumamon can dance really well, and perhaps better than I do lol.

      Japan is truly worth visiting! Of course I did enjoy the delicacies there. In fact, I enjoy all kinds of Japanese food, except natto.

      The ramen in Kyushu is really delicious. I also tried the beef tongue with raw eggs and rice. The dessert, yokan(羊羹), is also fantastic( but it's even better in Kyoto). Have you try them before?
      This is the reason why I always gain weight when visiting Japan lol

  2. Back in junior high school, I was also a big fan of Kumamon. I always get a big kick out of watching his clumsy actions. Also it seems like they have one of the finest ramen in Kumamoto since a lot of ramen restaurants in Taiwan often claim they serve the ramen in Kumamoto style, is it true??

  3. wow...I can't describe how my heart inspire me to visit kumamoto after i read your blog. Your article is too good without any bored introduction. I wonder what language you spoke in Japan or you have a tourist guide? Do you have any suggestion for me if I plan to visit Japan?wish you be the most popular blogger of this week, good luck.:D
