2017年3月10日 星期五



Today, I am going to share one of my favorite websites: postcrossing with you.
Perhaps you might ask, "why is postcrossing related to the topic 'travel and explore'?"
In fact, in my opinion, sending and receiving postcards is another way to travel and explore the world by using written words.

[What is postcrossing?]

Postcrossing is designed by  Paulo Magalhães in 2005. He enjoys collecting postcards very much, and he wants to share the joy of sending and receiving postcards with others.

Postcrossing is a website that provides us with opportunities to send postcards to different people around the world. We can, of course, receive postcards from many other countries. Just as its tag line says,"send a postcard and receive a postcard back from a random person somewhere in the world."

[How does it work?]

First of all, create a postcrossing account!

Then, briefly speaking, click on "send a postcard", and you will receive an address and a postcard ID. It is necessary to write both the address and the ID correctly on the postcard.

On the other hand, when you receive a postcard from other country, you need to click on "register a postcard" on your postcrossing website and type in the ID number on the postcard to register.

You will also know what happens to other travelling postcards through the website!

[Why is postcrossing my favorite website?]

I was in high school when I first read an article about postcrossing. 

I thought this was really interesting and started to send postcards along with some of my friends. We would share our postcards with each other during break time, and sometimes we would even write postcards in classes!

Actually, I enjoy collecting postcards and stamps very much.

However, nowadays, people seldom write to each other through written words. There is no denying that sending messages through Internet is much more convenient and efficient than writing letters or postcards by ourselves. Therefore, receiving a postcard with written words on it is truly a " luxury" for me.In fact, I still write postcards or letters to my friends while travelling to other places.

I really appreciate postcrossing for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to explore the vast world through postcards. It is indeed the happiest moment in a day when receiving a surprising and beautiful postcard from a foreign country!

Every postcard has its own story. Together with all of them, you will get to know a country you have never been to better than before.

Postcards connect not only the people but also the world.

So, what are you waiting for?
Create an account immediately and explore the world with your written words!

Thank you for spending your precious time reading my blog!

Do you also enjoy collecting stamps and postcards?
Let me know if you do:)
I will be very glad if you share your stories with me!

5 則留言:

  1. It is a brilliant idea to know different countries and cultures through receiving postcards. I also like collecting stamps and sending post card, which are fantastic ways to record the trip. BTW There is an activity called “Smile Taiwan 319 Countries,” which encourages people to travel around Taiwan and collect the stamps of each districts and countries. I think that is a great activity for people who like traveling.

  2. I also know this website by reading the English magazine. Although I have an account, I haven't sent my first postcard yet. I love to collect postcards too no matter whether there are words on it. Maybe I should go back to the website and log in my account again to start my postcrossing life like you.

  3. My best friend in high school took part in postcrossing, too. She took this matter seriously that even she spent lots of money on Pinkoi buying those delicate hand drawn postcards for this campaign. Surprising things sometimes happen- She once received a postcard sent from Mongolia! Although I have thought of trying this before, the postage part always holds me back. But since you mentioned it again, maybe I'll think about it once more!

  4. I notice that some classmates and some of my friends have the same enthusiastic about postcrossing. One of my friend enjoy to meet foreigners from different countries and another friend love to collect postcards and decorate her room via the postcards from many places. Although there are fewer and fewer people writing in words, hope you can keep writing and keep sharing interesting things to us

  5. Very brilliant ideas. I mean, I know stamp collecting has been very popular since a long time ago. There are millions of people around the world will pay whatever they have to buy stamps which are missing in their collections and postcrossing is really a smart way to accomplish their collections without spending a lot of money XD
