2017年5月12日 星期五

Greetings from Germany! (2)


Today, I am still going to share some postcards I received from Germany!
However, there are some differences in this article compared with those I posted before.

The sender of all these postcards and surprises is the same person. His name is Hans, a nice pen pal from Germany. 

We had written postcards and sent some artifacts of our own country to each other for almost one year. 
Unfortunately, due to my college entrance exam, my mom forbid me from sending any postcard during my last year in high school, so we stopped sending postcards to each other. 

Here are some of the fantastic stuffs I received from him.
Enjoy them!

[First envelope]
I especially love the football stamp on this envelope.
It is a special stamp that Germany released in 2014 to celebrate their champion of FIFA World Cup, which took place in Brazil. 

In my self-introduction of postcrossing, I remember I wrote that I enjoy watching football, and my favorite team is the German national team; I even said that I hope to get the special stamp!

I could still remember how exited I was when I received this!

Inside the envelope, there is a postcard of Hamburg with his warm greetings. 

Another postcard shows an adorable seal. He mentioned that on the coast of Germany, there are many cute animals like this!

On the back of this postcard, he sent me a 2 Euro coin. 
He said that this Euro coin is a special edition. The back of the coin is a castle, which is quite different from the normal coins. 

There is also a bookmark of polar bear!

If you like the German national football team very much, you will definitely know this guy. His name is Bastian Schweinsteiger, the former captain of the national team.
I was so happy when I saw this card though he is not my favorite player!

[Second envelope]
The stamp on the second envelope are quite normal compared with the first one. They are quite easy to be seen on the postcards from Germany.

He also send me a player card in the second envelope. This guy is Thomas Muller, one of the most talented and famous player in the national team. 

There is a beautiful postcard with his warm greetings in the envelope, which shows the most famous castle in Germany: the Neuschwanstein Castle(新天鵝堡). 

The most impressive thing in the second envelope is the stamps! These are the stamps that he received from other postcards or letters, and he sent some of them to me! I was so touched when I saw these stamps since I also said on my introduction that I love to collect stamps from all over the world. 

I think these two are the most precious! They are from DPRK (North Korea北韓). In fact, I have never imagined receiving any postcard from North Korea, not to mention the stamp!

Take a close look at these two rare stamps! I guess it is not easy to see stamps from DPRK in our daily life. 😂

Thank you for spending your precious time reading my blog!
I hope you enjoy them!
I will share other envelopes he sent in the next article!

Feel free to leave any comment below!
I am very willing to read them :D

7 則留言:

  1. You received many postcards from Germany! This makes me also want to try to use postcard crossing to collect many postcard from other nations! I think every postcard can bring us many new and great feeling when we received them. Thank you for sharing your another postcards from Germany, hope to see your next blog next week!

    1. You should try :D
      This is a very interesting experience! Besides it is easy to receive postcards from Germany. There are many postcrossing members from Germany! You can also practice your German haha.

  2. I think having pen pal is in my parents’ generation. It sounds so interesting! I am curious about whether you told your pen pal that you could not send him postcard for a while. If so, I think now you still could send him postcard and keep in contact with him. BTW Have you ever planned to meet him in person?

    1. Yeah of course I told him~ I felt really sad at that time since exchanging postcards with him was a great fun. He always sent really cool stuffs to me! You will see in the next article :D
      In fact, I seldom sent postcards after I attended college.... Perhaps I should have contacted him after the college entrance exam. It must be surprising if he still remember me now haha.

      Well, I have never thought of this before!! Since we only exchanged postcards for several times, I guess we are not so familiar with each other. If you have the chances, why not find a pen pal and write to each other :D ? I promise this will be very interesting~~~ especially when sharing the cultural differences!

  3. Wow how many post cards have you received until now? That must be a big while precious collection of yours! I have to say you surely have an amazing perseverance to keep on writing so many post cards~~ In fact, I think stamps are actually more fascinating than post cards since their rather delicate and unique. By the way, it's so cool to receive stamps from DPRK! I thought the patterns of their stamps would be nothing but Kim Jong Un lol

    1. In fact, I have never thought of having any chance to touch anything from DPRK lol.

      Haha I hope not. XD I guess it must be very interesting to receive postcards from DPRK since it is such a mysterious country. You know my friend once received postcard from Bermuda! Cool isn't it?

  4. I felt excited too!!! I was even trying to write letters to Germany to ask for the autographs of the players lol. Then I received the player cards and the stamp from my pen pal! I will definitely remember forever how exited I was when I opened the envelope .XD
    Yeah I watched some of the videos about Thomas Müller, and he is really hmm noisy just like you said lol. He is also a talented player! By the way, his wife is so beautiful, and she is a professional horse back rider! I like the couple very much~~~
