2017年5月26日 星期五

Greetings from Germany! (4)


Today, I am going to share the fourth and the fifth envelopes from Germany with you!
Enjoy them!

My pen pal visited Hawaii and bought me some postcards! Since he forgot to bring my address to USA, he sent the letters when he came back from Hawaii. 

[Fourth envelope]
The first one is an adorable postcard with two cats. He mentioned some parts of his trip to San Francisco and Hawaii on this postcard!

The second one is a postcard with different views of sunsets.

The third one is the Bay Bridge with San Francisco in the background. I especially love this postcard since the night view was clearly and beautifully captured!

The next postcard shows the artwork by Kerne Erickson, which is called Pride of Hawaii. If you observe the postcard clearly, you can see the three words "Pride of Hawaii" on the large ship. 

He also sent me some beautiful coasters, but I never use them😂

I think the most special one is the adhesive bandage! See the panda on the top? It is the symbol of the World Wide Fund for Nature. (WWF) It is an international non-governmental organization, aiming for wilderness preservation and the reduction of the footprints in the environment. 

[Fifth envelope]

In the fifth envelope, there is only one postcard along with other interesting stuffs. The postcard shows the venue of the football 2006 World Cup in Munich!

He also sent me two coins! 

This is the stamp I mentioned in the previous article. It is a special type of stamp that released in 2014 in order to celebrate the German's winning in the FIFA World Cup. 
He sent me two brand new one! These are almost impossible to buy in Taiwan. I know that some people asked their friends to buy for them when visiting Germany. 

These are the most special! Guess what these are!
They are stars from their Christmas tree!!
In fact, my parents have never bought a real Christmas tree before, so I don't have the chance to decorate it. Well, I actually thought all the stars on the Christmas tree should be like the five-angle star!

Last but not the least, these are the stamps on the envelopes! I like the fat mouse one very much haha. It is so adorable!

Thank you for spending your precious time reading my blog!
I hope you enjoy them!

What do you think of the things I received from my German pen pal? Do all these beautiful postcards make you want to find a pen pal and exchange with them? 

Feel free to leave any comment below:)

3 則留言:

  1. When I see the word "Hawaii" on the postcard, I feel weird because the topic is the greeting from Germany. But after I finish your blog I can understand why you put this postcard in your blog haha! It is lucky for you to have many German friends. You must correspond with each other for a long time right? Maybe one day your German friend will want to visit Taiwan. I think that will be so cool if you meet in Taiwan haha!

  2. I think it's so cool to receive a post card from Hawaii from a German pen pal lol I THINK the most interesting ONE WOULD BE the adhesive bandage. The last time I've heard of World Wide Fund for Nature. (WWF) is probably in the geography class back in high school lol I think you are so lucky to have such a considerate pen pal miles away~

  3. The stadium looks magnificent. I wonder how big it is. The stars on German Christmas really amaze me. I have never seen stars like those before. I wonder what kind of materials are used to make the stars. It looks like straw. The stamp in the middle of your last photo is cute. Is it a mouse sleeping in bed?
